Thursday, July 22, 2010

What a busy couple of weeks!!

Day 4 of our journey went not too bad, we had to stop a little bit more but overall the kids did fantastic!  My wonderful little sis was kind enough to get our groceries for us so we didn’t need to stop to do that, and were able to get to grandma and papa’s farm sooner!  We got there around 5pm or so, and just let the kids go wild!!  It was tough getting them settled down that night, yet another new place for the twins meant they were completely out of sorts!  But once everyone was asleep we were able to relax a little bit and visit with mom and dad!

 ryleesleepingtrip  liamsleepingtripkaelyntrip  seantripsaskatchewansign


The next day we let the kids run around outside in the beautiful Saskatchewan weather!  Around 70 degrees for most of the time we were there, the kids LOVED it!!  Michelle and her boys came out that night around 7pm and the cousins had a blast playing and racing around and generally filling grandma and papa’s house with noise and laughter! 

canada1 canada2

Thursday we spend just chilling, and washing clothes!  Friday we took everyone to the park in Regina for a picnic, and then to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum!  Megamunch is looking much better than he used to!  He still roars just as loud as he did when I was a kid, and he scared the twins and Kaelyn a little bit.


Saturday the kids raced around some more.  Sunday we went to church, before packing up Sean’s clothes and taking him to camp late that afternoon.  I’m very proud of not crying, but it was very difficult for us to leave our big (little) boy at camp with his big cousin Brandon!


The week passed by very quickly!  Liam had another double ear infection that I had to take him to the dr for, we visited grandma at the hospital where she works, and the 3 little kids played outside.  Michelle and Gabe went back to Moose Jaw for a few days while she worked, and we puppy-sat Jinx.  Thursday we went to pick up the  boys at camp and then headed straight to Moose jaw for a couple of days.  After some pointed questions, we found out the boys had changed their underwear far less than we hoped (not at all), showered far less (once or twice), neglected to use deodorant, brush their teeth, or use sunscreen and bug spray….but in spite of all that they took most of their medicine, and most importantly, had a fantastic time!!  I have fond memories of lots of years at camp, and I hope my kids get to make those same kind of memories too!


Thursday night at Michelle’s we got to visit with Great Grandma, and let the kids run through the sprinkler and play on the swingset!  Friday my bff came over with her two kids for a bbq, and some more water/swingset fun!  All the kids ate some yummy popsicles, and made a general mess of them in the process!!  I hate living so far away from my best friend, but it’s wonderful to get together with her and have a blast every time we visit!!


Friday night we headed back to the farm, and saturday was spent recovering and washing more clothes!  Sunday morning we got to visit with my cousin Darla and Sean, and their daughter Mackenna got to go pea-picking with the other kids.  A campfire and smores finished off a great weekend!


Monday was laundry and, sadly, packing up to go day!  Let’s just say it’s a good thing we had the motorhome to pack some things into! :D


Bright and early tuesday morning we headed out the door!  Our first day of travel went fairly well, a few grouchy sessions but overall not too bad.  Made it through the border easily, and were into Grand Forks, ND by about 5:30-6 or so.  Day two was a little rougher, but the kids hung in there, and by accident we discovered our hotel in Eau Claire, Wisconsin had a swingset in the backyard!  A good 30 min romp had everyone ready for a bath and bed!


Day 3 started off with a pile of rain, about 4 hrs worth!  It’s now 11am and the rain has cleared up, and the clouds are breaking up!  We’re in Illinois now, and just trying to keep the kids settled down until we get down the road a bit more to get some lunch!!

Today we’ve learned…

what two angry, tired, grouchy, tired, squeally, tired babies sound like cooped up in their carseats in a moving vehicle.  At 10am.  What a day it’s been!!  Thankfully we “borrowed” grandmother and granddaddies motor home for lunch again, and let the dynamic duo roam around while eating lunch.  That burnt off at least a little steam.  After a bit of a nap this afternoon they started becoming squeally again, so I suggested milk shakes.  I was hoping it would buy us 30 minutes of silence…..they both finished them within about 3 mins!  WOW!  How they didn’t get brain freeze I’m not really sure! lol!  Now, not only are they tired, but they are hyped up on milkshakes! :P


It’s 4:10 on day 3.  By this time tomorrow we will be settled into mom and dad’s place, and the kids can run their little legs off!  We’re going to stop shortly and let them race around with the soccer ball for a few mins, and then it’s around 2 hrs until we get to the hotel!  Hopefully they’ll stay kinda settled down until we get there!


Tomorrow is the last day of this leg of our adventure, we keep reminding ourselves that they will never be this little again, and the trip will never be this stressful again.  Over all the kids have done fantastic, minus a few twin meltdown’s, so I really can’t complain about them.  But I will be looking forward to next trip, when they’ll be more entertained by movies, and toys, and coloring books and such!!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day two of our journey.

Well it was a super duper early morning this morning, started off with the alarm clocking BLARINGLY loud this morning!  Forgot to adjust the volume, the last person to set it must have been deaf!  But nevertheless, at 5:15 am the alarm went off and we began our second day of driving!


To back it up a bit, last night when got to my best friend’s house at about 5pm or so.  We had SUCH fun visiting!  I finally got to meet her phantom hubby (haha), and her bro, sis-in-law and their adorable little girl came over for supper and cake as well!  The kids had a blast playing with her 2 kids and her niece, and the twins had fun racing around her house and climbing her stairs!  What a great stress relief after a long day!


Back to today, so far everyone is tolerating the trip well.  The babies have been a little fussy, mostly tired I think.  Rylee just fell asleep, and I’m hoping Liam follows suite soon.  We’ve already stopped to play at one playground today, LOVE the rest area’s with playground’s, whoever thought of that idea must have had children on a long car trip before!  Here’s to hoping the rest of today continues smoothly, and that tonight everyone gets a better night’s sleep so we aren’t quite so grouchy for day 3!

On the road again!

So it’s been awhile since I updated!  But today is  now July 3rd, 4pm, 2010….and we are ON THE ROAD TO CANADA!!!  Woot!!  The last month or so has flown by!  It’s been a whirlwind of David working overtime, Sean on vacation from school, Sean and Kaelyn going to VBS at First Baptist Church, and the babies both being sick!  But we managed to get everything together, get a few things bought, get everything cleaned at the house, all the laundry washed/dried/folded (mostly, minus our clean clothes folded), and everything packed into the yukon!!


We left bright and early at 6am this morning!  Ugh!  It took us about an hour to get everyone up, dressed, and out the door!  So far everyone has done fantastic!  The twins have had a couple fussy periods, but otherwise it’s been a great drive!  The inlaws are with us, they are just behind us in their “holiday inn on wheels”.  Boy are they in for a shock when they see how wide open and non-commercialized Lipton, Saskatchewan is! lol!


We still have 3 days of driving, but today is the longest day of the drive.  We planned it specifically to make a pit stop at my bff’s house in Indiana!  Beautiful lady is going to cook us some supper and save our sanity by letting my fearsome foursome run around with her kidlets and niece!  I can’t wait to see her again!  We haven’t had a good visit in a year so I’m psyched!  T-1hr and counting!


In between times here, Sean and Kaelyn attended VBS and they had a blast!  Sean was so upset when it was over!  Kaelyn learned some new songs, specifically “Deep and Wide”, I’ll have to catch it on tape, it’s adorable!  The week before we left, both the twins got sick too!  Liam with a double ear infection, and Rylee with a sinus infection.  Carrying antibiotics on a trip is so much fun! @@  I’m just glad it’s working fast and both are doing much better today, all things considering.


Well I’ll likely be bored and have time to write up how our trip is going the next couple of days!  Hope the next three days go as smoothly as today has gone so far! <3